Affiliate Management
Managing a variety of affiliated and special interest groups can be a nightmare. A formal and sound program of how each and every group will be supported and managed is necessary. Most affiliates are volunteers with a typical high turnover year to year which makes this task even more difficult and time-consuming. Add into the equation that needs and expectations of each group usually outpace the staff time and financial resources available.
Let’s create a unique, specialized affiliate management platform that is realistically, sound, and feasible. Begin the process of allocating staff time and resources to support special interest groups which benefit your community.
Use of template in development of program working guidelines and handbook for potential members
Use of template in development of program structure and membership classifications and definitions
Use of template in development of program policy, governance, and procedural manual
Inventory of current affiliated and special interest groups with SWOT analysis of current relationships and protocol followed
Template use and samples of various forms, protocol, and procedures to effectively manage the program visioning
Staff training workshop for affiliate liaisons and affiliate leadership.
Submission of Affiliate Management Handbook outlining classifications, definitions, expectations of all groups, definition and level of support, related policies and affiliate agreements