Career Path Visioning

Identifying and navigating a career path whether it is a short-term internal promotion or a long-term pinnacle C-Suite position, is a daunting and complex process. This service will simplify your vision, specifically identify the necessary skill sets, experience-based knowledge, and the required networking of like-minded professionals to see your vision into a high performing and satisfying career.


  • Develop unique, individual SWOT analysis of skill sets, knowledge and expertise

  • Identification and analysis of dream job requirements, potential timeframes and challenges to achieve

  • Identification of assessments and SWOT analysis gaps to position yourself well in dream job, career advancement

  • Visioning exercises to identify career path priorities


  • Self-assessment tools to identify patterns and tendencies to management styles, leadership capabilities, problem solving approaches, experienced negotiations, conflict management, and collaboration

  • Research of comparable industries and job position

  • Create report of findings to set career path plan


  • List of skill and competency priorities to meet expected qualifications of dream job

  • List of potential resources, people, and professional development opportunities to achieve/master identified skills and competencies

  • A written plan with targeted timeframes to create your customized Career Path Plan

This is a career path coaching service that sets forth the navigation settings and priorities necessary to create a feasible, attainable, and focused plan to build a portfolio of skills, experiences, and talents to achieve your ideal and pinnacle setting job in your chosen career.