Strategic Plan & Alignment
Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, an organization loses excitement and opportunity to make priorities possible. Explore and navigate your organization's path to success. Turn dreams into a vision and strategies for your community, customers, and staff.
SWOT Analysis and Identification of duplications, gaps and missed efficiencies
Review and update mission, vision and core values
Creation of agency cornerstone goals
Projected timeline for implementation
Current inventory and assessment of effectiveness in policy, operations, facilities, and services
Assessments: parks and amenities and recreation facilities
Analysis: recreation programs and services, plus benchmarking at national standards
Development of opportunity and priority strategic planning components
Community needs and priorities determined through surveys, stakeholder meetings and focus groups
Focus on goal definition, alignment and prioritization, capital planning with funding platforms, and action plan implementation
Awareness and training of next steps and setting stage for implementation plan of Agency Work Plans